
so this alone is a large

Tai Chi for your Head and in addition your Heart

We've written before regardingsome great benefits of Tai Chi for your brain healthand in addition your

immune system. in fact, we go right into a couple of detail on this topic in a couple sections

of our new book, BrainFall of it the times. Now a brand spanking new readshows a couple ofstriking effects of

a year-long Tai Chi program at dramatically reducing cardiovascular disease risk


the up to date paper published by Chin Lang et al. inside the Journal of Complementary and

AlterlocalMedicine informationthe assessmentof 53 patients with clinically problematic

topcholesterol or triglycerides. About partof the patients in this read

participated in a 12-month Tai Chi program concurrentlythe other partcontinued their

typical sedentary lifestyle. Since all of the patients were classified as toprisk for

cardiovascular illness, they remained on cholesterol reducing drugsin both


the gang that received Tai Chi saw a significant developmenton many fronts.

Their blood pressure dropped, their total cholesterol and 'bad' cholesterol (LDL)

went down, their insulin levels decreased and markers of excess inflammation fell as

well. The sedentary control group saw a sgentlereduction in blood pressure but their

cholesterol and triglyceride levels actually got worse - even though they remained

on cholesterol reducing drugs(chalk up another point for exercise).

Beyond these blood markers, the Tai Chi group also experienced improvements on

measure of physical fitness. They significantly improved their exercising heart rate,Robert Mathis Jersey,

oxygen uptake and ventilation. The sedentary group saw no such benefits, and, in

fact, saw a decline in diffehirehealthmarkers.

This readprovides more sureknowledgefor the fitnessbenefits of Tai Chi. Why is it

so best for you? nobody really knows the definitive answer to that, however tlisted below are

doubtlessmany factors.

First, Tai Chi involves slow and deliberate movements ssistanceregulate breathing

and focus, which contributes to boostd stress management. A plethora of studies

have shown the fitnessboosting benefits of reducing stress, so this alone is a large


Second, Tai Chi provides moderate levels of exercise that mixes cardiovascular with

strength training - holding those poses ain't easy. even though the movements are

slow,Dustin Keller Jersey, practitioners experience a sustained elevation of heart rate. perhapsnot as

much as shakin' your booty in a jazzercise class, but elevated all the same.

Third, Tai Chi helps improve balance and coordination. this is a huge benefit for

older folks, since falling is the number one cause of damage in this age group.

Younger folkglean have the good thing about this facetas well,Sonny Jurgensen Jersey, especially anyone engaged in

athletics. Balance control is central to performance in a lot of sports.

Fourth, occasionallytimes, folkpershapeTai Chi in a group setting, involving the social

support aspect. we have written in regards to the los angelesrgebenefits of social support inside the

past. in fact, a couple other recent studies found that social support significantly

helps recovery from a stroke or heart attack concurrentlysocial isolation makes it worse.

Tai Chi, considered a 'cushymartial art',J.J. Watt Jersey, has been around in Chinese culture for a

couple hundred years and is not anyw making its way to the rest of the world. It

should not be that trickyanymore to find a Tai Chi elegancein a community with reference toyou.

Whether you are a busy proneeding to lessena couple ofstress, a retired

personneeding to stayyour brain and body fit or a patient fighting an illness,Nate Davis Jersey,

Tai Chi seems to have slightly anythingfor everyone.

Reference: Journal of Complementary and alterlocalMedicine (2008) 14:7,



